At Maranatha, prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. We encourage the use of the ACTS acronym for prayer to guide us in our prayers.
Adoration: Praising God for His greatness, for Who God is (power, wisdom, glory, creator, Father)
Confession: Confessing to God our weakness and brokenness, for who we are (general or specific sin, fear, doubt, etc.)
Thanksgiving: Thanking God for His goodness, for what He has done (blessings, forgiveness, assistance, etc.)
Supplication: Asking God for His help (healing, forgiveness, guidance, blessing, etc.)
We have many opportunities for praying together.
- Congregational Prayer Chain: We have over 40 members committed to praying when requests are received. We send out an email prayer request on the spot, and you can be assured of a team of prayer partners supporting you in your praise or request.
- Prayer Team: We have a team that meets every other week at the church to pray for local, regional, national and global concerns, as well as for the ministry of the church worldwide.
- Healing Prayer: We have a team of trained prayer partners who meet with those who request a private, personal prayer session. Your confidentiality is respected.
- Pastoral Prayer Teams: We have trained teams of pastoral leaders who will meet with you when requested to pray for healing with the anointing of oil (see James 5:13-16).
- Prayer Requests: Please submit your prayer requests here. Let us know if you wish to share this with the Pastors, the Prayer Team or the Prayer Chain.
Contact the Church Office to find out more about these groups.